Mastering Hashtags on Instagram

Mastering Hashtags on Instagram

Remember when hashtags used to be THE growth method on Instagram? I was able to post 1-2x a day and use hashtags and grew my personal account by about 1,000 followers in a few months in 2016. However, with the algorithm changes and Explore page, hashtags feel somewhat irrelevant - are we even seeing growth from them anymore? Do they affect your visibility on the Explore page? The short answer is yes, here’s why…

  • Increased Discoverability: Hashtags categorize your content, making it easier for users interested in specific topics to find your posts. When users search for or follow a particular hashtag, your content may appear in their feed or Explore page if it includes that hashtag.

  • Enhanced Engagement: Posts with relevant hashtags can attract more engagement (likes, comments, shares), which Instagram’s algorithm considers when determining what content to show on the Explore page. Higher engagement rates can improve your chances of being featured.

  • Targeted Reach: Using niche or industry-specific hashtags can help you reach a more targeted audience interested in your content, increasing the likelihood of being featured on their Explore pages.

  • Trending and Popular Hashtags: Leveraging trending or popular hashtags can boost visibility as these are frequently searched and followed by users, increasing the chances of your content being discovered.

Now that you may want to start using hashtags (if you are not already), how many should you use?

Instagram's guideline suggests a modest number of hashtags, studies indicate that using around 20 hashtags can optimize reach. However, the quality of hashtags matters just as much as quantity. Focus on using a mix of broad and niche-specific hashtags that resonate with your brand and content. This approach maximizes visibility while ensuring relevance, striking a balance between casting a wide net and targeting specific segments of your audience.

Finding the right hashtags

To effectively broaden your reach, consider incorporating variety of hashtags…

  • Location-based: Such as #CityName or #Neighborhood, these tags connect you with local audiences or those interested in specific geographical areas.

  • Branded: Unique to your brand, like #YourBrandName, these tags enhance brand recognition and foster community among your followers.

  • Industry-specific: Tags relevant to your industry, such as #CPGIndustry, categorize your content within your niche, attracting professionals and enthusiasts alike.

  • Community-focused: Tags that unite people with shared interests, such as #HealthyLiving or #FashionEnthusiasts, encourage engagement and community building.

  • Descriptive: Tags that describe the content of your post, like #HealthyRecipes or #DIYBeauty, make it easier for users to find specific themes or products.

How to choose the best hashtags

Since we have shared what hashtags to use - how can you find them?

  • Use Tools: Leverage tools like Later's hashtag suggestion tool or other analytics platforms to identify trending and relevant hashtags in your industry.

  • Explore Instagram: Browse the Explore page for inspiration and to discover trending hashtags that align with your content. Even look at your competitors.

  • Volume Consideration: Aim for hashtags with a moderate post volume (e.g., between 10K-200K posts). This ensures that your posts are visible without being lost in a sea of content.

Where to Place Hashtags

The eternal debate: should hashtags go in captions or comments? Instagram has confirmed that both methods are equally effective, so the choice ultimately depends on your preference and aesthetic. Placing hashtags in the comments section keeps your caption clean and focused, but ensure you add them promptly after posting for optimal effectiveness. Timeliness plays a crucial role as Instagram categorizes content in real time based on hashtags.

Tracking Hashtag Success

Measuring the impact of hashtags is essential for refining your strategy:

  • Analytics Tools: Utilize Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools to monitor which hashtags drive the most engagement and reach.

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different sets of hashtags to see which combinations yield the best results for your posts.

  • Iterate and Refine: Based on analytics, refine your hashtag strategy over time to maximize engagement and achieve your marketing objectives.

In conclusion, hashtags on Instagram are far from obsolete. When used strategically, they can amplify your brand's visibility, attract new followers, and foster community engagement. By mastering the art of hashtag selection and implementation, CPG brands can leverage Instagram's vast reach to grow their audience and drive meaningful interactions. Pairing effective hashtag strategies with compelling visual content can further elevate your social media presence and achieve your marketing goals. Embrace the power of hashtags and watch your brand flourish on Instagram!

Anna Sullivan