9 Year Anniversary
The fact that I am 9 years older and realizing I started this company at 23 is completely insane.
I remember being in the basement of a store I worked at in college - working on my blog after hours and working on a company name for my future company that I had no idea what it would be - The Creative Exchange was as creative as I could get (still hate the name). 2 years later the name became my social media agency.
I had a dream of working with small businesses and entrepreneurs to help them bring their brands to life (own what was) a new platform for brands to reach their customers. Social media has become the number one marketing method/outlet for brands today - 9 years ago (and even 6 years ago) I was fighting to get brands to allocate budgets to these channels. Now my job is less convincing and more helping brands determine where to allocate what within the social universe.
What was a one person show has grown into a full team. From North Carolina to New York to now global remote - our values still remain the same, the work has improved, we found our niche, the team is amazing, and the creativity has been heightened.
Growing pains have been real over the years - but we seemed to outlive a pandemic and recession (is that over yet?). For all the people who have come and gone (and shoutout to the current team) I appreciate you being along for the journey. Running a startup and a creative agency is no joke (if you have worked in the agency world you know).
So, where have we been and what have we done in our nine years?
Launched and sunsetted an amazing resource site Social Media Toolkit - which led to the launch of our sister agency in 2020 No Revisions
14m in Sales Made (for our clients)
Gone through 4 rebrands :)
3.5m Followers Gained
Moved HQ from Raleigh to Brooklyn (now a fully remote team)
14+ Brands Launched
Hired 60+ creatives and small businesses
15k+ Creative Assets
Converted to a 4 Day Work Week
140+ Campaigns Launched
And where do we go from here?
Continue to work with dope brands who are ready to try new things
Expand the team and focus on growth
Continue to work on better benefits for our team
Bring a new look and way of working to our site (stay tuned)
Thanks for sticking around for the first 9 years - can’t wait to see where we go next! - Anna
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