7 AI Tools You Need to use to Elevate Your Marketing

7 AI Tools You Need to use to Elevate Your Marketing

Learning a new technology can be a lot, but thankfully AI can be really fun to use and supposed to make our jobs as marketers easier. We have embraced using some of these tools over the last year or so, but here are our favorites that you should check out to help with your brand’s marketing efforts:


    • ChatGPT helps you come up with content ideas, writes content for you, anything text related this tool can do!

    • Pricing: Free (paid versions rumored to come soon)

    • Tips:

    • Another copy alternative: Copy.Ai


    • One of our favorite tools, make videos with digital avatars.

    • Pricing: Starting at $30 a month

  • PixelVibe

    • Think of this as a better place to find royalty free stock visuals. You can search for something, click on an image you like, and it will continue to show you similar images based on what you chose.

    • Pricing: Free to use for search, plans starting at $14 per month

  • Tokkingheads

    • This one is really fun, use any avatar (you upload or choose) and you can pair with a song, text, your own voice and it will make the avatar say what you chose and move it’s head. If you create meme style content for your brand, definitely check this tool out.

    • Pricing: Free trial, packages starting at $13 a month

  • Munch

    • This tool cuts down long form content into shorter clips - finding the best/most engaging clips to use!

    • Pricing: Starting at $49 per month

  • Boomy

    • Create’s custom music (especially great option for brands on TikTok)

    • Pricing: Free and paid versions available

  • PixelCut

    • Now this tool has some power - great for CPG brands. You can create images with your products.

    • Pricing: Currently free

    • Another similiar one to check out: Zeg

Honorable Mentions:

  • Dealtale - Ask any analytics questions you can think of but the price starts at $1500 a month

  • CopyMonkey - If you use Amazon, this tool can write your product descriptions and get you ranked

  • Ad Creative - If you need ad creative this is a super affordable way to make it - I will say it seems really basic but if you are just getting started, not a bad place to start.

  • Podcastle - Tons of tools to make podcasting easier

Want to learn about the latest tools and apps? This site keeps a running list and has a newsletter you can join.

Anna Sullivan