Developing a Successful Facebook Strategy

Developing a Successful Facebook Strategy

Are you using Facebook for your brand? I think organic has been dead for years, but most brands are still reposting Instagram content and some using Facebook groups (or want to try). The real question here is, is any of that actually making an impact on your business? 

I did some digging on Facebook and took a look at a few brands in the CPG space that appear to be doing well…

  • GoPro

    • 10 Million Followers

      • This is their main account, they also have other pages for regional accounts

    • Engagement rate isn’t great considering they have 10 Million followers, however on average they get 300 likes/comments per post

    • Comments are heavily product/question related - so it’ really used as a customer service tool. I can only imagine what their DMs look like.

    • How often do they post: 2-3 times per day

    • Do they run ads? Yes

    • What does their content look like?

      • Very adventure focused, I assume most of you know the brand and their content has been adventure/usage focused from the beginning (almost exclusive to video).

    • Is this content similar to their Instagram? Some of it, yes. Otherwise no, it seems to be unique content.

    • Additional things to note:

      • Their response time to comments and DMs is “within minutes” so they have really prioritized this as a customer service channel.

      • They cross promote all their other social channels and well as links to submit content, for awards, etc.

      • Shopping feature is integrated

      • They haven’t utilized events since 2021 - which I think is a huge missed opportunity to have notifications go directly to their 10 million followers

      • Has a bot set up for DMs/chat

  • Innocent

    • I have actually never seen this brand before, but they are UK based drink brand (think juices and coconut water) focused on climate change


    • Engagement rate is better than GoPro (but we can never know if they boost these). Likes/Comments/Shares per post range from 1k to 10k - insane!

    • How often do they post: 1-2x per day

    • Do they run ads? No

    • What does their content look like?

      • They are really focused on relatable content that people want to comment on and share. People even share their own memes in the comments.

      • Nothing seems to be product forward/focused or even climate change focused.

    • Is this content similar to their Instagram? No, totally different content.

  • ColourPop

    • 2.2 Million Followers

    • Engagement varies anywhere from 200 to 5k interactions per post (I assume the larger ones are boosted)

    • How often do they post: 3x day

    • Do they run ads? Yes

    • What does their content look like?

      • Obviously all makeup focused. Showing off the products but always having them utilized in the content, which is almost always a video. If images, it’s always several.

    • Is this content similar to their Instagram? No, different content.

    • Additional things to note:

      • Reviews on the page are not good - they are at a 2.5 stars. However most comments on the content are positive (or neutral).

      • They do have two groups connected to the page, however not in use.

  • Jones Road Beauty

    • I wanted to try and find a brand who is not global and new (they are 2 years old) and I knew they would have a decent account as I follow their CMO on Twitter talk about their growth methods.


    • Engagement really ranges, but you can consider them getting an average of 200 some engagements per post. I doubt they boost any of this content.

    • How often do they post: Pretty inconsistent, about 10x month

    • Do they run ads? Yes

    • What does their content look like?

      • Exclusively vertical video focused, all which looks like UGC and some with their founder (Bobbi Brown)

    • Is this content similar to their Instagram? Yes, same as their Reel content

    • Additional things to note:

      • They utilize stories

      • They have a group (created 22 weeks ago) and seems to be super active (almost 9k members, with 500 being from the past week). I think this is the real winner for them.

So, what did we learn here?

  • It’s ok to have some content overlap with Instagram, but I think it’s important to have a seperate content strategy

  • If you can build a brand with an organic community through your comments on posts, create a group, a true place to thrive

  • Test using Facebook Events in a creative way - I heard about this on a podcast and can’t find anyone really doing it, but if you have a large community already on Facebook this is a great way to send a notification to them (which is what we all want)

  • Consider boosting content in feed that performs well organically

  • Post 2-3x a day

  • Cross promote your channels and things you have going on

  • Video seems to be ideal, but images still work (especially when meme/graphic style)

Anna Sullivan