Creating Trending Content

Creating Trending Content

Creating content and having a clear content strategy (that works) is something that continues to evolve. Once you stop testing and learning you fall behind, and it feels like once you find your stride, the algorithm changes.

One thing that has seemed to be a content type that sticks is trending content and memes. 

When social media came about, it was all about the social media holidays. Every single day there was some dumb holiday, but posting about it helped boost engagement for that day. Now we have moved past those holidays and more into bigger campaigns around more legitimate holidays and seasons. 

So, how do you keep your brand relevant and in tune with culture and trends today? Obviously your brand should have a bigger plan on that but if we are just talking about social media content developing your own memes and trends people can duplicate is key. 

The hardest part here is having someone come up with the ideas. Obviously hiring an agency or strategist can help, but the more input the better.

How to come up with the ideas:

  • Weekly team brainstorms - what is your team thinking about/reading/watching

  • Listening to new music/watching popular TV shows

  • Staying up to date with pop culture, sports, etc

  • Nostalgia - who is your audience and what will they connect with/see that will feel familiar

What does this content look like:

  • Videos/Photos

  • Memes (Creating your own or content pilled from TV shows, current trending memes, etc)

  • Custom Graphics/Photoshop

How to create this content:

  • Have very creative content creators/influencers who are already creating sillier content

  • No one knows your brand better than your team, so if people are up for it, shoot it internally

  • Graphic designer/animator - heavy photoshopping skills may be required

Great brand examples to learn from:

Anna Sullivan