How to Find and Prepare for the Right Agency Partnership

How to Find and Prepare for the Right Agency Partnership

After 9 years in the business, we have learned a lot about ourselves as an agency and how we best work with clients. On both sides there will always be compromises, but getting started there are definitely things that need to align. Selecting the right agency partner and preparing for this collaboration requires careful consideration and planning.

Learn from us on how businesses can make informed decisions, foster alignment, and set the stage for a fruitful agency partnership - especially as you may be looking to develop new agency relationships for the new year:

1. Understand What Makes a Good Fit

Choosing the right agency is more than just evaluating portfolios and case studies. It’s about understanding how well the agency’s values, working style, and expertise align with your brand’s vision and needs. Here’s how to make this assessment:

  • Evaluate Strategic Alignment: The agency’s approach should reflect your business objectives. For example, if your brand is focused on disruptive innovation, the agency should have a track record of innovative thinking, obviously.

  • Consider Chemistry and Communication: Beyond skills, consider how well you connect with the agency team. Are they asking insightful questions? Do they show a genuine interest in your brand’s unique challenges? Good chemistry can pave the way for open communication and trust.

  • Experience in Your Industry: While not a requirement, familiarity with your industry can be an advantage. An agency with experience in similar markets may have a better grasp of audience expectations and trends. While we mainly work with CPG brands we have found success in other areas such as healthcare, tech, etc. our dedicated experience in social media has allowed us to be successful across other industries - but only with teams we align with.

2. Define Clear Expectations from the Start

Before engaging with an agency, clarify what success looks like for your business. This helps prevent misunderstandings down the line (this is KEY) and ensures that both parties are aligned on goals and deliverables. Consider the following:

  • Set KPIs: Whether it’s brand awareness, lead generation, or engagement, having measurable KPIs will help you track progress and evaluate the agency’s impact.

  • Outline Project Scope and Budget: Establish clear parameters regarding budget, timelines, and deliverables. This minimizes the risk of scope creep and helps the agency plan resources effectively. PS We only work this way :)

  • Identify Key Stakeholders: Determine who within your organization will be involved in the project. Establishing a clear point of contact will streamline communication and decision-making. This is key for the agency as well - chaining hands of who is working with us and making sure they are fully informed is so important.

3. Prepare for a Smooth Onboarding Process

Once you’ve chosen an agency, the onboarding process becomes a critical step in setting up the partnership for success. Proper onboarding can help the agency quickly understand your brand’s ethos, strategic priorities, and customer expectations.

  • Share Brand Guidelines and Resources: Provide access to existing brand guidelines, creative assets, and past campaign reports. This enables the agency to get up to speed and maintain consistency across new campaigns.

  • Communicate Past Challenges: Be open about past challenges or areas where previous agencies may have struggled. This helps the new agency avoid repeating mistakes and better anticipate potential roadblocks (please do this - it can also help us know if we are a good match as some problems may not be avoidable).

  • Establish Communication Cadence: Agree on the frequency and format of check-ins, progress updates, and reports. A structured communication plan ensures that both parties stay on the same page and that feedback is incorporated seamlessly. We like to meet with our clients weekly :)

4. Look for Red Flags During Initial Engagements

During initial meetings and discovery sessions, keep an eye out for potential red flags. These may indicate misalignment or future challenges:

  • Lack of Curiosity or Engagement: If the agency doesn’t seem curious about your brand or doesn’t engage deeply during initial discussions, it may signal a lack of interest or commitment.

  • Overpromising or Undervaluing Complexity: Beware of agencies that make grand promises without acknowledging potential challenges or nuances in your industry. A realistic, thoughtful approach is a sign of a trustworthy partner. You also need to be aware of yourself and if the goals you set/have are achievable by really anyone.

  • Rigid Processes and Unwillingness to Adapt: If the agency insists on sticking to a one-size-fits-all approach or is unwilling to adapt to your preferred ways of working, it could lead to friction down the road.

5. Cultivate a Collaborative and Transparent Relationship

Once the partnership is underway, maintaining a collaborative relationship is key. Encourage open dialogue and foster an environment where both sides feel comfortable sharing ideas, feedback, and concerns.

  • Regularly Review and Reflect: Periodic evaluations help ensure that the partnership is meeting expectations. Be open to pivoting strategies or processes based on performance and feedback.

  • Be a Good Client: Building a positive agency relationship is a TWO-WAY street :) Be responsive, respectful of timelines, and clear in your communication.

Setting the Stage for Success

Finding the right agency partner is not a one-time task—it’s a continuous process of alignment, communication, and mutual respect. By approaching the selection and onboarding processes thoughtfully, you can lay the groundwork for a partnership that not only achieves business goals but also fosters long-term growth and innovation.

Interested in working together? Check out our Capabilities Deck

Anna Sullivan