Unveiling the Power of Pinterest: A Comprehensive Marketing Guide
With its unique blend of inspiration, discovery, and shopping functionalities, Pinterest offers a fertile ground for brands to showcase their products and connect with consumers on a deeper level. To be honest, it’s not usually a “top” channel of consideration for our brands as the usage is a bit different from the timely posts and usage of platforms like TikTok and Instagram. However, recent reports have shed light on the increasing popularity of Pinterest, particularly among Gen Z users. According to a Gizmodo article titled "Gen Z Made So Many Pinterest Boards This Summer," the platform witnessed a surge in activity, with Gen Z users creating numerous boards during the summer season. This trend underscores the platform's appeal to younger demographics and its potential as a valuable marketing channel for brands targeting this audience. Not to mention recent insights shared by Pinterest's Director of Strategy, Vikram Bhaskaran, in an eMarketer article provided valuable perspective on consumer behavior on the platform. Bhaskaran highlights Pinterest's role as a discovery engine, where users actively seek out inspiration and ideas across various categories, including home décor, fashion, beauty, and food.
So, is Pinterest worth your time as a brand? Let’s talk about what it takes to be successful:
Creating Compelling Content
Obviously your pins have to stand out. Sizing and color is really important on Pinterest, not to mention testing new templates.
Follow Trends
Pinterest goes through seasons of people searching for certain things. It’s great to try and increase your pinning around these seasons. To keep up with this, you can use the Pinterest Trends tool.
Post Consistency (Constantly)
This may come as a shock, but it takes a LOT of pinning to see organic success. The suggested posting cadence is 15-25x per day!
Paid Ads
Paid can be the quickest (and maybe the best use of your time) for growth/sales on Pinterest. You can test budgets as low as $50 to boost a pin, or run more dynamic campaigns spending $3,000 per month.
PRO TIP: Another consideration is testing influencer marketing and white-labeling with them on Pinterest
Learn from Analytics
This is standard for any social media platform - you want to track analytics and continue to learn. One thing we love about Pinterest is that it’s ok to pin something (maybe changing up the visual) multiple times - you just want a visual to stand out to someone to pin. People are coming across your content from search and their feed vs going to your profile and scrolling through. For content that performs well continue to lean into that and pin more (or even boost that content).
Pinterest offers a wealth of opportunities for CPG brands to engage with consumers, drive product discovery, and ultimately boost sales. By understanding the unique dynamics of the platform your brand can see success.