Instagram Live 101

Instagram Live 101

Instagram Live allows brands to broadcast real-time video to their followers, creating an interactive and engaging experience that traditional posts or stories cannot match. While this offering sounds great, many brands do not take advantage - why? It’s hard as a brand (and not an individual) to go live, dedicate someone to live/allocate budget, or figure out what content works - not to mention having an engaged enough audience to feel like it’s worth the time - will people even tune in?

What is Instagram Live?

Instagram Live is a feature within the Instagram platform that allows users to broadcast live video to their followers. Introduced in 2016, it quickly became a popular way for influencers, celebrities, and brands to interact with their audience in real time. Unlike pre-recorded content, Instagram Live is raw, unedited, and often more authentic, providing a unique opportunity for brands to connect on a personal level.

The Importance of Instagram Live

  1. Real-Time Engagement: One of the most significant advantages of Instagram Live is the ability to engage with your audience in real time. Viewers can comment, ask questions, and react to the live video, creating a dynamic conversation between the brand and its followers. This immediate interaction helps build trust and a sense of community.

  2. Increased Visibility: Instagram's algorithm favors live content, often placing it at the top of followers' feeds and sending notifications to followers when a brand goes live. This increased visibility can lead to higher engagement rates compared to regular posts or stories.

  3. Showcasing Authenticity: In an era where consumers crave authenticity, live video provides a perfect platform for brands to show their true colors. Whether it's a behind-the-scenes look at your brand, a live Q&A, or a product demonstration, going live allows you to connect with your audience in a more personal and relatable way.

  4. Drive Sales and Traffic: Instagram Live can also be a powerful tool for driving sales. By integrating live shopping features, brands can showcase products and allow viewers to purchase items directly from the live stream. This seamless shopping experience can significantly boost conversions.

Why Brands Should Go Live

Brands, particularly in the CPG industry, should consider going live on Instagram as part of their social media strategy for several reasons:

  • Humanizing the Brand: Live videos allow brands to show a more human side, whether through a casual chat, a behind-the-scenes tour, or an interactive session with followers. This helps to build a stronger connection with the audience.

  • Launching New Products: Going live is an excellent way to launch new products or services. The immediacy of live video creates a sense of urgency and excitement, encouraging viewers to engage with the brand and make purchases.

  • Building a Community: Regularly scheduled live sessions can help foster a sense of community among followers. Brands can use live video to create a space where followers feel valued and heard, leading to increased loyalty and long-term engagement.

Case Studies of CPG Brands Using Instagram Live

  1. Glossier: The beauty brand Glossier frequently uses Instagram Live to showcase new product launches, provide skincare tutorials, and interact with their community. Their live sessions are known for being casual, inclusive, and highly engaging, which has helped the brand cultivate a loyal following.

  2. Ben & Jerry's: The ice cream giant Ben & Jerry's has effectively used Instagram Live to engage with their audience by hosting live events, such as "Scoop Sessions," where they talk about new flavors, the brand's social initiatives, and answer questions from fans. This approach has not only driven engagement but also reinforced the brand’s commitment to social causes.

  3. Oatly: Known for its quirky marketing, Oatly has leveraged Instagram Live to connect with its audience in a fun and unique way. From live Q&A sessions with their marketing team to behind-the-scenes looks at their production process, Oatly’s live sessions have helped the brand build a distinct and authentic voice in the crowded plant-based market.

Additional brands to learn from:


Instagram Live is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance a brand's social media strategy. By providing a platform for real-time engagement, increased visibility, and authentic connection, it allows brands to build stronger relationships with their audience. CPG brands, in particular, can benefit from the immediacy and authenticity that live video offers, making it a must-try tactic for those looking to elevate their social media presence.

Incorporating Instagram Live into your strategy can set your brand apart in the digital landscape, providing an opportunity to engage with your audience in a meaningful and impactful way. As the examples of Glossier, Ben & Jerry's, and Oatly demonstrate, going live is not just a trend—it's a powerful way to connect, engage, and ultimately, grow your brand.

For more tips and insights check out Instagram's own tips and tricks to make the most out of your live sessions.

Anna Sullivan